The Coat of Arms of the City of Holguin was granted by Fernando VII by Royal Decree of October 11, 1831.
Since Holguin received the title of City in 1752, the council began to request a Coat of Arms in which the most outstanding events that occurred in the territory of Holguin would be represented, which for that date were the defense of the coasts that for two occasions the town of Holguin had carried out against English corsairs and pirates.
The Coat of Arms of the City was made, but not to the liking of the Holguin City Council, since the feats of arms were not represented. The file was shelved and forgotten until 1818.
When Eusebio Escudero, Governor of Cuba, was appointed, he took the request to the Supreme Council of India. In addition to the Coat of Arms of the City, he asked for other graces such as: the treatment of illustrious people for the City Council of the City of Holguin and the use of uniforms for its staff.
It was not until 1831 that Fernando VII approved a Royal Decree, indicating that a certain amount of money had to be deposited into the Royal Treasury of the district in order to carry out the official recognition of each of them; Meanwhile, they couldn't use them.
The City Shield was conceived in a heart-shaped outline, which at the top and in the center has a helmet with five feathers.
The main patron saints of the City of Holguin appear: San Isidoro (Bishop of Seville, to whom García Holguín had entrusted his herd and who later gave his name to this City of Holguin) and the Virgin of the Rosary (patron saint of the neighbors who settled to Holguin when it was founded), which support the Spanish crown. At its feet, some elevations of the Maniabón orographic group represent the nature and location of the territory.