The Cultural Traditions of Holguin have their origin from the transculturation produced between the aboriginal, Hispanic and African ethnic groups, these last two components represent the basic trunks of this process; In addition, other ethnic groups that arrived in the 20th century from the English- and French-speaking Caribbean, mainly Jamaicans and Haitians, influence.
Among the oldest festive traditions in Holguin, known since the 18th century, are The May Pilgrimage, The festivities, The Festival of the Cross and The Altars of the Cross. These had true Hispanic antecedents in their beginnings, later, the Creole population gave them their particular stamp.
In Holguin, syncretic cult festivals are also practiced. In Sagua de Tánamo they still dance The French Tomb who is of Franco-Haitian origin.
Today many of our best cultural customs have been rescued, such as ballroom dancing. Mayaricero Lancers.
All these Traditions of Cuba in their cartographic representation constitute a source of information for scholars, researchers, educators, specialists, cultural promoters, students and anyone who needs data about the ethnic, social and historical incidence of the festivals.