Saetia Cay

Cayo Saetia at the entrance to Nipe Bay in the province of Holguin in Cuba, is considered the largest hunting reserve in Cuba and with a wide existence of the most varied species.

In its 42 square kilometers of extension, Cayo Saetia shows more than half of the territory populated by forests, which in turn serves as a shelter for a diverse fauna, with white-tailed deer, zebras and antelopes.

As for hunting, in Cayo Saetia this activity is carried out in strict observance of established regulations, both national and international, to avoid damage to the area's habitat and preserve the natural environment.

Under the concept of a Natural Park, Cayo Saetia in the province of Holguin maintains a virginity not invaded by the hand of man and that allows the conservation of the original flora and fauna to this day.

The Gaviota group, in charge of the administration of Cayo Saetia, also offers the unique opportunity to go on a safari in the jungle, hunting wild animals in an environment of thick vegetation.

Visitors to Cayo Saetia can access the most diverse points of the islet using vehicles suitable for these endeavors, and along the way they come across wild boars, buffaloes, ostriches, peacocks, zebras, tocororos, antelopes, hutias and wild bulls. They are arranged with a view to the aforementioned transportation activity, specialized protection, equipment, guides and well-defined routes, although weapons can be exchanged for cameras as they also constitute an unrepeatable paradise that calls for photographing the most beautiful natural landscapes.

Added to the above are dozens of varieties of birds that have chosen Cayo Saetia, a portion of the Cuban archipelago to inhabit, accompanied at times of the year by other migratory species.

Cayo Saetia is surrounded by a coral barrier that is located on the northern coast of the eastern province of Holguin in Cuba.

On July 17, 1983, one of the youngest geographic sites in Cuba, Isla de Los Ninos, was inaugurated in Cayo Saetia. Since then, the marine-forest environment has opened up as a space of unique attractions for children, who not only enjoy the unique landscape of the place, but also innovative means and facilities for teaching and recreation.

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