Major General Calixto Garcia Iñiguez

Calixto Garcia Iñiguez, Major General of the Liberation Army of Cuba, was born on August 4, 1839 in the City of Holguin, from an arranged marriage between Ramón García González and María de la Concepción Lucía Iñiguez Landín, a family dedicated to commerce.

Calixto Garcia Iñiguez, with Venezuelan and Spanish roots inherited from his father and Dominican and Cuban from his mother, from an early age felt pride in being Cuban, leading him to surrender to the conspiracy and take up arms on October 13, 1868 at the Finca Santa Teresa.

In the war of 1868, Calixto Garcia Iñiguez distinguished himself under the command of Máximo Gómez, earning the stars of colonel in the first days against the Spanish troops, and shortly afterwards those of Brigadier General when he took on the offensive in Jiguaní, Manzanillo. By May 1, 1872, he obtained the ranks of Major General.

Calixto Garcia Iñiguez, being a highly respected soldier, both in the Mambisa and Spanish forces, in 1874 in a place known as San Antonio de Bage, he decided to shoot a shot in the chin that came out of his forehead, an act that led him once aided by the Spanish military society to Spain where he remained a prisoner until 1879 when with the signing of the Zanjón Pact in Cuba the political prisoners were released.

Despite the above, Calixto Garcia Iñiguez continues the fight for independence. He traveled to the United States and took the lead in the new contest, being appointed president of the Cuban Revolutionary Committee.

The Little War broke out on August 24, 1879, but the lack of resources and ministries prevented Calixto Garcia Iñiguez from joining operations immediately. Upon his return he landed on the southern coast of the east but the combatants and main leaders had prepared their weapons.

Calixto Garcia Iñiguez again suffered imprisonment, remaining in Spain as a political prisoner and then as an exile until 1895. When the war that José Martí called Necessary War broke out on February 24, 1895 in Cuba, Calixto Garcia Iñiguez escaped from Spain and into the states. united he led an expedition that landed on the coast of Banes in the province of Holguin on March 24, 1896.

Calixto Garcia Iñiguez was first appointed Head of the Eastern Department and then upon the death of Antonio Maceo, Lieutenant General of the Cuban Liberation Army.

Using the Mambisa artillery Calixto Garcia Iñiguez attacked enemy cities and forts, such as: Loma del Hierro, capture of Guaimaro, Tunas and Guisa.

In 1898 Calixto Garcia Iñiguez went to intervene in the war, the United States and the division of the revolution in Cuba subordinated the liberating army to Yankee command.

Due to his ability and experience, Calixto Garcia Iñiguez is designated to carry out operations that allow Santiago de Cuba to be located, but following the policy of trying to prevent the official recognition of the Liberation Army as a fighting force, the Cuban general is not invited to the act of surrender, Cubans are not allowed to enter Santiago de Cuba, and very indignant he sends a letter of protest to General Shafter and strips himself of his position as Lieutenant General.

Once the war was over, Calixto Garcia Iñiguez took part in the assembly of Santa Cruz del Sur, traveled to the United States and fell ill on a mission and died on December 11, 1898.

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