The Children's Park, its current name, is located in what was El Asiento de la Mantilla, the last Park to be built in the City of Holguin, in the year 1883, with the objective of serving the troops as the Infantry Quarter, around the It was the practice area itself. Its name was chosen in honor of Colonel José Mantilla de los Ríos.
The Children's Park, then Asiento de la Mantilla, was used in the 1895 war as a reconcentrated square.
The Asiento de la Mantilla, when the Spanish army withdrew from Holguin and Cuba, was used as a stable by the intervening North American troops. Later the ruins served as a recreation area for local children. This is how it began to become the Children's Park, as it is known today.
A commission of women from Holguin, in the 1930s, drew up plans for a real Children's Park to be created in the place, but it was not until 1953 (when the government budget managed by the wife of the then Governor of the Republic of Cuba Fulgencio Batista appeared). ), which took the structure of the present. Then he called it Parque de Marta, a name with which the town never identified itself.
In the first years of the Revolution, it was called Rubén Bravo, the name of an underground fighter from Holguin, however, for the people of Holguin it continues to be El Parque Infantil.
On May 17, 1959, the current Ruben Bravo Park in the City of Holguin. Today Parque Infantil was witness and scene of the first performance of “Comino y Pimienta” by the Ricardo brothers, founders of the nascent Guiñol Theater of Holguin.